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Vratislav Podzimek

Ansible and CFEngine scalability white paper

Scalability is an important feature of any infrastructure management solution. Either the to-be-managed infrastructure is big already or it is expected to grow as the business grows. Over time more and more resources are needed for CI/CD pipelines and more customers use the product(s). Generally, growing a business means more traffic and requests need to be handled by the infrastructure. Hence, scalability is an important metric for comparing infrastructure management tools when deciding which one to use.

January 12, 2021

Ansible|CFEngine white paper

Ansible and CFEngine are two configuration management tools and at first glance they look like competitors - two tools dealing with the same problem, in very different ways. But are they? Maybe they are actually not dealing with the same problem and are not as incompatible as it seems. Read our Ansible|CFEngine white paper providing an analysis of this area to learn more:

September 9, 2020

Getting out from under a SIGBUS BUS_ADRALN on Solaris/HP-UX

Introduction In the CFEngine Core team, we have recently been working on a fix for our WaitForCriticalSection() function. In short, the function checks a timestamp in a chunk of (lock) data stored in a local LMDB database and if the timestamp is too old, it writes a new chunk of (lock) data with the new timestamp. However, this used to be done in separate steps - read the data from the DB and close DB, check the data and potentially write the new data into the DB.

June 8, 2020

Speeding up PostgreSQL ETL pipeline with the help of GODS

Problem to solve When working on the new Federated Reporting feature for CFEngine we had to solve the problem of collecting data from multiple CFEngine hubs (feeders) on a single hub (superhub). CFEngine hubs are using PostgreSQL to store data, so, more specifically, the problem was how to collect data from multiple PostgreSQL databases in one PostgreSQL database. And because we are talking about ~1 GiB of SQL data per feeder hub and for example 10 feeders connected to a superhub here, the initial and trivial solution using basically this ETL (Extract Transform Load) pipeline - pg_dump | gz | ssh | gunzip | psql - provided really poor performance.

September 30, 2019

CVE-2019-9929 - Internal authentication secrets leaked in logs

Description The CFEngine engineering team has recently discovered a severe security issue in the CFEngine Enterprise product. CFEngine is using some internal secrets for authentication to the Mission Portal API and the PostgreSQL database when running background maintenance tasks. These internal secrets are randomly generated during the installation process and stored in files which only the root user has access to. Unfortunately, the commands that generate and store the secrets were being logged to the /var/log/CFEngineHub-Install.

May 28, 2019