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Show notes: The agent is in - Episode 21 - Troubleshooting with cf-support

What’s the best way to collect information when troubleshooting something with CFEngine? Cody and Nick chat with Craig about cf-support a new tool shipping in the latest (and future) versions of CFEngine. Video The video recording is available on YouTube: At the end of every webinar, we stop the recording for a nice and relaxed, off-the-record chat with attendees. Join the next webinar to not miss this discussion. Links Connect on LinkedIn w/ Cody, Craig, or Nick All Episodes cf-support is packaged as part of 3.

Posted by Nick Anderson
January 26, 2023

Change in behavior: multiple cf-execd processes

Recently we introduced new feature where you can trigger agent runs and report collection from the Mission Portal UI. This required our daemon cf-execd to behave a bit differently when periodic agent runs occur. Previously the daemon would create a new thread in which to run cf-agent, capture output, wait for completion and move on. We changed the behavior so that the daemon forks itself and then fork/execs cf-agent as before, with the forked cf-execd processing agent run output.

Posted by Craig Comstock
June 15, 2022

Feature preview: Trigger agent runs and report collection from Mission Portal

If you are debugging issues with a host, it is quite common to want to make changes to CFEngine policy, and speed up the process of fetching, evaluating and reporting for that host. You can do this by running cf-runagent and cf-hub from the command line, now we’ve brought this functionality into Mission Portal: You can see the feature in action, here: This feature will be part of CFEngine Enterprise 3.

March 31, 2021

Using Policy Analyzer to develop and debug CFEngine policy

I have a setup at home where I keep a local git server running on a Raspberry Pi 3 which contains personal/work journal, dotfiles and a personal policy repository. It was set up manually so before adding a new git repository for a family password store I set about retrofiting the configuration in CFEngine. The goal in this blog is to ensure that what I have already is managed by CFEngine and that what I want to add, /srv/git/passwords.

Posted by Craig Comstock
March 29, 2021