No idol worshipping at DevOpsDays Pittsburgh

Posted by Jonathan Thorpe
June 2, 2014

DevOpsDays events in Pittsburgh and Austin have both been awesome. It’s great to see the events maturing over time. While it was the first DevOpsDays event in Pittsburgh the organizers were familiar with DevOpsDays events and made sure that they built on top of other successes. The lack of “Idol worshipping” aka “we love Amazon, Etsy, Facebook, Netflix” was refreshing! We were treated to excellent sessions covering culture, PaaS, docker and other great topics. As long as you are in tech I’m certain there was plenty to interest you. The ignite sessions again were fun as always. There were some fun moments and some awkward moments! I presented my ignite session from DevOpsDays Austin on why DevOpsDays is failing horses and unicorns. Eventually I’ll track down a video of it and link to it, but it was well received. The awkward moment was that I presented after Nathan Harvey of Chef. He preached the familiar unicorn cry of “if you aren’t happy quit your job”. My ignite session has a slide that made fun of unicorns telling horses to quit their jobs and go work with unicorns because it really isn’t helpful at all. There was a great open space session on diversity in tech which could have gone on for hours. It was constructive and we all realize there is a problem. While DevOpsDays PGH wasn’t incredibly diverse it was heartening to see a significant number of women attending and presenting. In particular I’m looking forward to seeing Bridget Kromhout (@bridgetkromhout) and Cornelia Davis (@cdavisafc) present again. Awareness of CFEngine is growing, and we are getting recognition in presentations once again. People really seem pleased that we are still around and doing some awesome things. I can’t wait until DevOpsDays Silicon Valley when we can talk about some really cool stuff we have coming! June will be a very busy month for CFEngine. We’ll be at DockerCon, Velocity Santa Clara and DevOpsDays Silicon Valley.