Guest Blog - WebScale Computing at the Flick of a Wrist

July 2, 2014

In this installment we turn to Jon Henrik Bjørnstad. In this particular piece read about configuring, and managing connected devices with CFEngine. If you have other such stories of CFEngine use, we would love to hear back from you. Thanks Jon Henrik for a great post! WMe_wristband_3 The world of partially connected devices forms the basis of both mobile IT and the much discussed Internet of Things (“IoT”). Hand-held tablets and phones equipped with applications for interacting with various services are merely the beginning of the pervasive computing experience, and smart home projects by Xerox, HP and Google merely underestimate the possible role of embedded devices in society at large. The Android operating system is based on a stripped down Linux kernel, and is highly portable. This open platform has spread to everything from television sets and refrigerators to cars and in-flight entertainment systems. This diaspora of partially-connected devices is the interaction point for users and contributes in no small part to creating WebScale workloads. Fortunately, the issue of configuration, security and maintenance in a partially connected environment is the natural domain of CFEngine due to its distributed architecture and lightweight autonomous agent. Self-healing configuration on the move CFEngine was designed with the world of embedded computing firmly in mind (see CFEngine founder Mark Burgess’ novel Slogans from 2005, if you want to see how Mark was thinking). Today, any device

  • whether an interactive Parisian billboard, car system, smartphone, or experimental robot at the National Institute of Standards - can benefit from CFEngine’s configuration technology. Unlike MDM solutions, CFEngine works offline and is self-repairing. What kinds of issues are there for configuration in a distributed on-and-offline embedded world? There are plenty of issues, but to see how a simple policy works, here is an example of how we might configure certain application defaults to make a device (in this case idle phones) less vulnerable to casual interference. Database configuration settings Android’s “system registry” is the SQLite key-value store, and database promises in CFEngine Enterprise 3.6.x may be used to handle SQLite with simple row manipulation. Many embedded systems use SQLite as the backend for storing system configuration as key-value pairs; among them are the feature rich and Open Source Storage operating system FreeNAS in addition to the omnipresent platform for mobile devices, Android. We will cover configuration within FreeNAS in a later post. Key-value pair tables are ideal for the type of simple row manipulation CFEngine offers. Rows are simply updated or added according to a condition (a WHERE in classical SQL) and the values that should converge. When used with associative arrays this becomes a flexible and handy way of expressing system configuration. This example is quite mundane, but imagine that you cared about the screen timeout setting on your Android device because you don’t want a phone lying around to remain unlocked. You want it to be set to 15 seconds (15000ms). In CFEngine you would express this as configuration setting as follows:

bundle agent android_settings




database_server => sqlite("/data/data/"),

database_rows => { “name=‘screen_off_timeout’,value=>‘15000’” },


Now, even barring upgrades, resets or manual tampering, this policy will be checked regularly and restored to the policy settings by CFEngine’s agent. There is no need for a network connection. Everything is local. The database table you currently want to configure are expressed as the promiser, in this case the “system” table in the “settings.db” database. As SQLite databases are embedded, you would also need to provide the path to the database which happens through the SQLite database_server body. The WHERE clause is expressed with a simple ‘=’ sign while the values that should be set (or converge) are expressed with an ‘=>’ sign (read: converge to). CFEngine imposes no limit on the number of WHERE clauses you can use or values you could set, but it will of course need to match the underlying table schema. Picture 1 below shows state before policy is applied (screenshot of a Samsung S2 phone): We run the policy and see the following:

**# cf-agent -I **

2014-07-02T13:41:51+0200 info: /default/android_settings/databases/‘settings.db/system’[0]: Table ‘system’ is as promised

2014-07-02T13:41:51+0200 info: /default/android_settings/databases/‘settings.db/system’[0]: Updating promised row ‘update system set value=‘15000’ where name=‘screen_off_timeout’’ to database table ‘settings.db/system’

Picture 2 below shows the resultant system state after running the policy: Run it again and CFEngine reports that the system is convergent with regards to the setting you have defined, ie. the promise is kept.

# cf-agent -I

2014-07-02T13:41:43+0200 info: /default/android_settings/databases/‘settings.db/system’[0]: Table ‘system’ is as promised

This example is fairly simple, but it can be extended to be even more flexible and easier. As settings in Android are usually key-value pairs, it is desirable to express the configuration as that too. In CFEngine this is possible through the use of associative arrays. Consider the following bundle:

bundle agent android_vars {


“settings[screen_off_timeout]” string => “15000”;


Here we can define as many system settings as we’d like and hide away the complexity of how the settings are applied in a separate bundle as shown below:

bundle agent android_settings {


“settings” slist => maparray(“name=’$(this.k)’,value=>’$(this.v)’”, “android_vars.settings”);



database_server => sqlite("/data/data/"),

database_rows => { @(settings) };


These examples clearly show how CFEngine enables you to describe system policy on Android in a transparent and convenient manner, and at the same time have the entire end-to-end software stack policy enforced by a true distributed configuration management system - truly WebScale.