Extended Support is offered to CFEngine enterprise customers.

Prior to version 3.7, the support policy covers the prior version of software for 12 months after a major release is made by CFEngine. With the release of 3.7, Long-Term-Support (LTS) was introduced. LTS versions will be released every 18 month and supported for 36 months. Non-LTS versions are released every 6 months. Extended support is offered on 3.6 and LTS CFEngine Enterprise versions. Extended support is only offered on CFEngine Enterprise.

Version Released End of support
3.5 June 12th 2013 June 18th 2015
3.6 June 18th 2014 July 17th 2016
3.7 LTS July 17th 2015 August 31st 2018
3.10 LTS December 28th 2016 December 28th 2019
3.12 LTS June 28th 2018 August 31st 2021
3.15 LTS December 18th 2019 December 31st 2022
3.18 LTS June 24th 2021 August 31st 2024
3.21 LTS December 22nd 2022 December 31st 2025
3.24 LTS July 22nd 2024 July 31st 2027

Extended support ensures continued support under current master software license agreement, but with some limitations; Support is given on existing installations, not new. If CFEngine is used in a non-standardized way there might be limited depth-analysis of policies. There will be no new security or bug fixes, and no root-cause analysis of issues. However, under certain circumstances and at an additional cost, patches can be produced. Support will assist with upgrading to new releases, but there is no guarantee on upgrade compatibility. Professional services might be needed for upgrades.

We encourage all customers to stay on LTS-releases, and if you need our assistance, please contact us.