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Ole Herman Elgesem

Using cf-runagent as non-root

cf-runagent is a component for triggering remote agent runs using the CFEngine network protocol. It does not allow for arbitrary commands to be executed, but rather asks the remote host to run the policy it already has. To trigger cf-runagent from other systems or web interfaces, you want to be able to run it as non-root. Install and bootstrap I will use cf-remote to set up a demo hub running CFEngine Enterprise 3.12.1:

April 12, 2019

Restricting CFEngine to one CPU core using Systemd

In some performance critical situations, it makes sense to limit management software to a single CPU (core). We can do this using systemd and cgroups. CFEngine already provides systemd units on relevant platforms, we just need to tweak them. I’m using CFEngine Enterprise 3.12 on CentOS 7, but the steps should be very similar on other platforms/versions. This post is based on an excellent article from Red Hat: Using ps to check what CPU core is utilized Listing all processes and their core We can use ps to check CPU core for desired processes:

August 29, 2018