CFEngine 3.5.0 Community Edition is now available for download!
At the same time we have updated the CFEngine documentation, which now lives in a new design and information architecture at
This latest release of CFEngine Community comes with a ton of improvements and new language features for policy writers. Many of these changes have been motivated by the great feedback and reports from our users, and a lot of changes were contributed by members of the growing CFEngine community. A big “Thank You!” to you all! Our package repositories will be updated shortly, and we will continue from here with monthly maintenance releases of CFEngine 3.5.x.
A complete list of changes, both in this Community release and in the upcoming Enterprise Edition, is available online in the New in CFEngine section of the documentation. We are currently in Boston at the RedHat Summit to introduce CFEngine Enteprise 3.5 - meet us there if you want to learn more!