Syntax warnings

Posted by Mahesh Kumar
April 26, 2013

Over the past month we have removed a bit of functionality for CFEngine. These were features that were useful (cf-report) and good ideas (knowledge management), but the implementation was either in an unfinished state or the design had unclear semantics (outputs promise type).

In order to get a smoother transition for existing policy, we have introduced GCC-style warnings for cf-promises, initially to warn users about removed or deprecated syntax. Deprecated syntax warnings signal that the feature will be removed in a future version, but is still functional with the current version. Removed syntax warnings signal that the feature has been removed.

As with your standard C compiler, these warnings will not result in syntax error unless specified. For example, to enable all warnings use

cf-promises -Wall

, or to treat removed syntax warnings as errors, use

cf-promises -Werror=removed

We plan to extend cf-promises with more warnings going forward. We will update man pages and documentation shortly.

Please try it out and let us know your feedback!