Hacking custom variables for additional augments in CFEngine

Posted by Nick Anderson
December 17, 2018

This post was syndicated with permission from the original source.

CFEngine 3.12.0 introduced the augments key to the Augments file format. If you are not already familiar with Augments, check it out. It’s a very easy way to define classes and variables very early during agent execution, before policy.

The new augments key allows you to merge additional data in the augments format on top of the base augments. I However, there is, I think, still a simple way to accomplish this. This can provide a flexible way of providing different data to different sets of machines.

Since augments are loaded very early during policy evaluation. Currently, only special variables like the sys vars can be used to select additional augments. The question arises …

How can I extend augments from custom policy?

The short answer is that you can’t, at least not directly, but there are a couple of things that you can do to achieve the same result.

Customize /etc/os-release

In 3.11.0 CFEngine began parsing /etc/os-release during system discovery into sys.os_release. I think that /etc/os-release is perhaps a good place for you to encode this DEVICE_TYPE. It’s a simple key=value format, and according to the docs on freedesktop.org the file format may be extended by vendors. It’s highly recommended to prefix new fields with an OS specific name in order to avoid name clashes.

So, let’s edit /etc/os-release and define CUSTOM_DEVICE_TYPE. This is /etc/os-release on my workstation, after I have edited it to add my new key value.

VERSION="18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.10"

This way, when the agent initializes, it will have sys.os_release[CUSTOM_DEVICE_TYPE] available for use. This could be set during initial provisioning, or of course CFEngine policy could manage the extra file content.

Here is a small example:


    "my_var": "I am RED"

Here is my data file that is used when CUSTOM_DEVICE_TYPE is set to laptop.


    "my_var": "I am BLUE"

Here is the simple policy to illustrate the point.


bundle agent main
    "def.my_var is $(def.my_var)";
    "My device type is $(sys.os_release[CUSTOM_DEVICE_TYPE])";



> $ cf-agent -KIf ./promises.cf
R: def.my_var is I am BLUE
R: My device type is laptop

In the above output, note that def.my_var is BLUE, what happens if you change the CUSTOM_DEVICE_TYPE?

Download device type specific data to a stable location

An alternate methodology to achieve similar results would be to reference a stable location, but use a files promise to ensure that the proper device type specific data is there.

For example, instead of shipping device_type1.json and devices_type2.json as part of the policy, you can download it to device.json.

This copy_from files promise illustrates what I mean:

bundle agent device_type_data
        copy_from => remote_dcp( "/var/cfengine/data/devices/$(my_common.device_type).json",
                                 $(sys.policy_hub) );

Then the base augments would look like this:


    "my_var": "I am RED"