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Craig Comstock

Install and uninstall packages based on conditions

For security reasons, you generally want to uninstall talk, samba, and apache2 in your infrastructure. However, on your webservers, which have the webserver CFEngine class defined, you might want Apache to be installed. With the conditional-installer module, you can put talk,samba,apache2 in the list of packages to uninstall. And in the list of packages to install, you can put apache2 with the condition webserver. Hence, the module will install apache2 on your webservers and uninstall it everywhere else.

Posted by Craig Comstock
July 1, 2024

Use Ansible playbooks in CFEngine policy with promise-type-ansible module

Whether you are migrating from Ansible to CFEngine to gain some of the benefits of scale or autonomy or just need some functionality in an Ansible module, the ansible promise type can be a great tool to utilize. It also provides a compelling alternative to ansible-pull and works around some of the caveats included with that strategy. CFEngine has battle-tested features needed for the pull architecture: cf-execd handles scheduling periodic runs as ansible-pull suggests using cron cf-agent handles locking to avoid concurrent runs of the same playbooks A tiny Ansible project example Taking some first-step tips from 5 ways to harden a new system with Ansible let’s make a sample playbook project which patches Linux systems.

Posted by Craig Comstock
June 3, 2024

Configure which hosts can participate in CFEngine infrastructure management

Two modules are available for this task: allow-all-hosts and allow-hosts. The first module, allow-all-hosts, configures the most open situation which is to accept hosts from anywhere. This is only recommended in network restricted environments such as a local machine’s virtual machine network or other such closed down situations. The second module, allow-hosts, uses cfbs module input to let you decide which hosts (specified by IP addresses and subnets) are allowed to connect to your hub, authenticate, fetch policy, etc.

Posted by Craig Comstock
May 6, 2024

Inventory and remediate Red Hat Enterprise Linux with Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs)

Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) are an excellent body of knowledge to leverage in securing your infrastructure. With the stig-rhel-7 module you can easily add inventory and remediation policy for RHEL 7 with CFEngine. Do note that as of March 2024 this module does not provide comprehensive coverage but rather an initial 10 findings are implemented. Setup To start I installed CFEngine Enterprise on a local virtual machine, logged in and started a new Build project with the stig-rhel-7 module added and configured to enforce (as opposed to only warn).

Posted by Craig Comstock
April 1, 2024

Migrating from Travis to Github Actions

For CFEngine we manage several public and private repositories of code in GitHub for our Open Source and Enterprise products. In order to ensure quality we run many checks on the code both with nightly builds as well as on each pull request. We use a Jenkins server for nightlies which also includes more extensive deployment tests on all of the platforms we support. Previously we had used Travis for many of these checks but that system started to show its age and limitations.

Posted by Craig Comstock
October 30, 2023

Track maintainers and purpose for hosts in your infrastructure

When something goes wrong or looks fishy for a particular host in your infrastructure how do you know who to ask about it? In an infrastructure managed by many and used by many it is also helpful to know what each hosts’ purpose is. In this article we show how to add maintainer and purpose information to individual hosts in your infrastructure via the CMDB feature of Mission Portal. We will also add a Build Module to add this information to the /etc/motd file for each associated host.

Posted by Craig Comstock
December 14, 2022

Building a Compliance Report based on inventory modules

In CFEngine Enterprise we collect information from each system in the infrastructure as inventory. Some inventory is available by default, and more can be added using modules or writing policy. You can use inventory information to create a Compliance Report with checks that determine if the information complies with your security requirements. In this blog post, we will use some modules from CFEngine Build which provide inventory data, and build a Compliance Report on top of those.

Posted by Craig Comstock
December 9, 2022

Debian 11 and Ubuntu 22 aarch64 (arm64) packages available!

As a person who tries to work with as few resources as possible, whether it’s editing everything with ed(1) or using old laptops without screens for servers or turning off computers as much as possible I am happy to announce nightly packages are available for the aarch64 (ARM 64-bit) architecture. This enables low-power, low-cost devices such as the Raspberry Pi and many others to run CFEngine Enterprise. Why run CFEngine? It is lean on resources and rich in features!

Posted by Craig Comstock
August 18, 2022

Change in behavior: multiple cf-execd processes

Recently we introduced new feature where you can trigger agent runs and report collection from the Mission Portal UI. This required our daemon cf-execd to behave a bit differently when periodic agent runs occur. Previously the daemon would create a new thread in which to run cf-agent, capture output, wait for completion and move on. We changed the behavior so that the daemon forks itself and then fork/execs cf-agent as before, with the forked cf-execd processing agent run output.

Posted by Craig Comstock
June 15, 2022

Turn off your devices

Saint Patrick’s Day makes us think of the color green. Spring is coming. Plants are starting to sprout amongst the dead grass and leaves from Fall/Winter: Earth Day is just around the corner on April 22nd. This reminds us of our commitment to the environment and ecosystems that surround us. As we at state in our corporate social responsibilities: We have set an ambitious company-objective to “Become a net-zero carbon business by the end of 2022”.

Posted by Craig Comstock
March 17, 2022