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Eystein Maloy Stenberg

CFEngine 3.6.4 now available: hub self-protection and stability

The CFEngine lab has been brewing on 3.6.4 over Christmas and is finally ready to release it to the world! With 3.6.4 being a patch release, it has a focus on stability and reliability of both the server and agent side. This is also the first release where user input has been incorporated in form of casting a vote for what to be improved - so make your voice heard!

January 27, 2015

CFEngine 3.6.3 now available: HP-UX support and UI performance

CFEngine 3.6.3 is released! The new version brings broader platform support, UI performance and usability enhancements as well as bugfixes. It has again been about 8 weeks since the last release, and we are planning to further shorten the release intervals going forward to bring you enhancements faster. What you will also notice is that the focus is on stability and performance for 3.6.x releases, in order to make upgrades as safe as possible.

December 6, 2014

CFEngine and JIRA - Integrating Configuration Management and Issue Tracking

In this blog post I would like to show how one of the best configuration management solution integrates with an equally well known ticketing system - Jira When a specific policy becomes out of compliance, there is a common need to integrate this with a ticketing system. For example, you have an important web application configured and ensured to be running using CFEngine. If any aspect of that fails, you want to be notified immediately.

October 23, 2014

CFEngine 3.6.2 now availabile: Focus on High Availability and Custom actions

CFEngine 3.6.2 is now available - in both Community and Enterprise editions! There are major new features in the Enterprise hub; High Availability and Custom actions. In addition, we have resolved numerous issues to provide you with a very stable release. It has been about 8 weeks since the 3.6.1 release, and we plan to continue on a 6-8 week schedule for maintenance releases going forward. High availability for the hub A common requirement for most enterprises is that key processes and mission critical applications are highly available - in essence to ensure there is no single point of failure.

October 2, 2014

Achieving visibility into Arista network inventory (part 1)

This blog is the result of joint technology collaboration between Arista Networks and CFEngine Inc. Introduction It is an accepted fact that the disciplines of system administration and network administration are traditionally very disjoint: different teams, different knowledge, different tools and different goals. For example, does the networking team know which nodes and applications are affected by a change on a specific switch? Is the network topology actually the way it says it is in the design diagrams?

July 30, 2014

Inventory management in 3.6, part 1 - Showing variables and classes

Inventory management in 3.6, part 1 - Showing variables and classes CFEngine 3.6 introduces a set of features for inventory management, and we’ll have a closer look at one of them today. This feature is part of both the Community and Enterprise editions. It essentially outputs the inventory in terms of classes and variables at a local node. Have a quick look at cf-promises -h of 3.6: cf-promises -h Usage: cf-promises [OPTION]… [FILE] Options: –eval-functions, - value - Evaluate functions during syntax checking (may catch more run-time errors).

April 14, 2014

CFEngine and Docker - Ensure application availability and container integrity Product Management, CFEngine Introduction The beauty and power of Docker comes from its ability to containerize any application into a portable self-sufficient entity, one that can run anywhere. This enables developers to deliver an application with all dependencies in a layered image structure. As if that was not enough, the images can be shared in an image repository (known as the Docker index) and deployed to and run on any Docker host.

November 22, 2013

Busy week in New York

The CFEngine team is excited to present - CFEngine Week in New York City, October 14-18! During that week we will be out in force in the Big Apple. Come meet us in one of the many events we are organizing or sponsoring: Velocity Conference, Oct 14-16: Most companies with outward-facing dynamic websites face the same challenges: pages must load quickly, infrastructure must scale efficiently, and sites and services must be reliable, without burning out the team or breaking the budget.

September 17, 2013

8 Reasons Why System Administrators Deserve Your Appreciation

Every year, on the last Friday of July, we pause for a moment and think about the impact of system administrators on our world. It is hard to imagine how different our life would be if it was not for the sysadmin. The goal of the Annual SysAdmin Appreciation Day is to make us all think about that and find ways to express our appreciation for them. At CFEngine we know many of them.

July 25, 2013

CFEngine Music To Our Ears

Bruce Carleton is the organizer of the San Francisco CFEngine User Group. He has a deep understanding of system administration for distributed systems and how to make it easy (and fun!) to use CFEngine for that. He sent a message to the user group email list, that we want to share with you: Re: [SF-Cfengine-Users-Group] Automation Adoption Challenges and Analogies During the last SF CFEngine users group, we had a good discussion about promoting adoption of CFEngine in our various environments.

May 30, 2013