It’s easy to switch from Community to Enterprise.
Craig demonstrates the process of migrating from Community to Enterprise and touches on using many of the available components and tools from cf-remote to cf-net and so much in-between.
Video The video recording is available on YouTube:
At the end of every webinar, we stop the recording for a nice and relaxed, off-the-record chat with attendees. Join the next webinar to not miss this discussion.
Have you ever wanted some hosts to organize themselves into different groups, but without spending time to worry about assigning a specific group?
Cody, Craig, and Nick talk about using the select_class feature in CFEngine. Nick implements automatic assignment of a maintainer for each host:
You want to assign a maintainer to each host that should be the primary point of contact. Some hosts should may have a specific maintainer, but generally, you don’t care about the relationship between the person and the actual function of the machine. It’s okay if the groups are not perfectly balanced. First we provide a list of maintainers to select from.
Curious about getting visibility of a host where you can’t install CFEngine natively, but can run a container?
Craig shows us how he’s getting inventory from his Torizon Verdin IMX8MP by deploying a container with a chroot containing volumes bind mounted from the host.
A long post show discussion was had about CfgMgmtCamp as well as a long troubleshooting session dealing with a prickly package management situation.
Video The video recording is available on YouTube:
The CFEngine team celebrates 30 years of CFEngine and has a chat with Mark Burgess, the original creator and author of CFEngine.
Mark delves into the early chapters of his journey, tracing back the roots of his inspiration to science fiction sagas like Star Trek and Dr. Who, and the literary works of Isaac Asimov, Aurthur C. Clarke, and Paul Davies. Mark recalled his first computer, the fabulous, most programmable, decomposable, put back together-able, expandable thing, a BBC-b microcomputer.
Curious about how users feel about using CFEngine?
Cody and Nick are joined by Mike Weilgart, a long time CFEngine user about his history and how CFEngine compares to other tools he has been using recently.
Video The video recording is available on YouTube:
At the end of every webinar, we stop the recording for a nice and relaxed, off-the-record chat with attendees. Join the next webinar to not miss this discussion.
Join the team for a sneak peek of what’s coming in 3.23.0.
Herman joins Cody, Craig and Nick to discuss what’s new in the upcoming release of CFEngine 3.23.0. We look at improvements to Groups in Mission Portal with easier ways to specify specific hosts that should or should not be part of the group based on reported attributes. This new functionality makes it much easier to affect change across a set of hosts without touching policy.
Imagine having the power to identify the exact lines of your CFEngine policy that are slowing down your executions. In this episode, we’ll guide you through the art of profiling CFEngine policy for improved performance.
In Episode 30 of “The agent is in,” Nick and team dives into the topic of profiling CFEngine policy. We explore tools and techniques to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize CFEngine deployments. The episode covers the following main points:
Ever been curious about Docker details or the cruft that has built up and could be cleared out?
Craig, Cody, and Nick chat about some of the work Craig has been doing recently, using Docker in development and CI. Craig shows how to develop policy to inventory various Docker details like image names, counts of dangling images, and reclaimable disk space.
Video The video recording is available on YouTube:
At the end of every webinar, we stop the recording for a nice and relaxed, off-the-record chat with attendees. Join the next webinar to not miss this discussion.
Have you been interested in automating the testing of your CFEngine policy?
Cody, Craig and Nick follow up on the Policy Examples episode and dive a bit deeper into testing. Nick walks through some policy and related tests that leverage lib/ from the Masterfiles Policy Framework and Craig walks through implementing a GitHub Workflow to run the tests in a Docker container for each Pull Request.
Video The video recording is available on YouTube:
Unlock the power of CFEngine with expert insights and get your burning policy questions.
Cody, Craig and Nick discuss and answer CFEngine policy questions submitted by users.
Video The video recording is available on YouTube:
At the end of every webinar, we stop the recording for a nice and relaxed, off-the-record chat with attendees. Join the next webinar to not miss this discussion.