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Show notes: The agent is in - Episode 26 - Demo of CFEngine 3.22

Have you seen what’s new in CFEngine 3.22.0? Ole Herman Elgesem, CFEngine Product Manager joins Cody, Craig and Nick to give a tour of the changes in recently released CFEngine 3.22.0 Mission Portal. See how filters have been improved and how the new Groups feature makes it easier to affect change across your infrastructure and enforce package compliance with a new module, packages-allowlist-snapshot from CFEngine Build. Video The video recording is available on YouTube:

Posted by Nick Anderson
June 29, 2023

CFEngine 3.22 released - Coordination

Today, we are pleased to announce the release of CFEngine 3.22.0! The focus of this new version has been coordination. This is a non-LTS (non-supported) release, where we introduce new features for users to test and give feedback on, allowing us to polish before the next LTS. (CFEngine 3.24 LTS is scheduled to release summer 2024). What’s new New host filters The host filter from inventory reports have been upgraded. You can now add rules based on classes, such as linux, windows, redhat, ubuntu, xen, policy_server, cfengine_3_21, ipv4_172_31, etc:

June 16, 2023

Sneak peek: Groups in Mission Portal

Using CFEngine there are many ways to group and classify your hosts. In order to group their hosts, our users use a combination of JSON files, CFEngine policy language (with variables, classes, and class expressions), host specific data and host filters in Mission Portal. With these features you can choose which hosts to show in reports, and you can make decisions on what changes to make on which hosts. There is, however, no straight forward way for a Mission Portal user to save a selection of hosts (a filter) and then start doing things (reports, changes) with those hosts.

Posted by ChiaCheng Lu
February 15, 2023

CFEngine 2022 retrospective

It’s that time of year again where we reflect & recap all things new with CFEngine from this year. You may recall from the 2021 retrospective that our focus for 2022 would be on collaboration, ease of use, and community engagement. I’m proud to summarize our progress below in these key areas for 2022’s Retrospective and give you a sneak peek at what’s to come in 2023. Revamped documentation CFEngine is a powerful, flexible, and complex piece of software, but we are committed to make it as easy to use as possible, and are looking at all ways we can improve the new user experience. The documentation is an important tool for both new and experienced users to find the information they need. We identified multiple areas for improvement in terms of structure, navigation, search, and content, we decided to completely overhaul it in 2022. The new documentation was launched this fall, and includes several new improvements:

Posted by Cody Valle
December 31, 2022

CFEngine 3.21 LTS released - Unification

Today, we are pleased to announce the release of CFEngine 3.21.0! The focus of this new version has been unification. Across our websites and UI, you should see that it’s a much more modern and unified experience, whether you’re reading this blog post on, browsing the new documentation site, looking for modules on the CFEngine Build website, or adding input to modules within Build in Mission Portal. This release also marks an important event, the beginning of the 3.21 LTS series, which will be supported for 3 years.

December 21, 2022

Track maintainers and purpose for hosts in your infrastructure

When something goes wrong or looks fishy for a particular host in your infrastructure how do you know who to ask about it? In an infrastructure managed by many and used by many it is also helpful to know what each hosts’ purpose is. In this article we show how to add maintainer and purpose information to individual hosts in your infrastructure via the CMDB feature of Mission Portal. We will also add a Build Module to add this information to the /etc/motd file for each associated host.

Posted by Craig Comstock
December 14, 2022

Updates, upgrades, and uptime

All software of any significant size has bugs, vulnerabilities, and other weaknesses. This includes the operating system (OS), libraries, command line tools, services and graphical applications. Across your infrastructure, you should have an overview of what operating systems and software you have installed. Additionally, automated ways of upgrading the OS, as well as packages are desirable. Finally, ways of highlighting problematic hosts (with old operating systems and software) and prioritizing them helps your efforts to upgrade and secure your machines.

December 2, 2022

Show notes: The agent is in - Episode 19 - Sneak peek of CFEngine 3.21

The next LTS is coming … Join Cody Valle, Craig Comstock, Nick Anderson, and Ole Herman Elgesem for a preview of the coming in CFEngine 3.21. Video The video recording is available on YouTube: At the end of every webinar, we stop the recording for a nice and relaxed, off-the-record chat with attendees. Join the next webinar to not miss this discussion.

Posted by Nick Anderson
November 22, 2022

CFEngine Build System version 3

Our beloved cfbs CLI tool for working with CFEngine Build is rapidly evolving. At the time of writing, we are currently at version 3.2.1. Thus I would like to take this opportunity to talk a bit about the latest and greatest features; including support for users to manipulate input parameters in modules, as well as a couple of new build steps. If you haven’t yet got a hold of the latest version of cfbs, you can update it with pip using the following command:

Posted by Lars Erik Wik
November 15, 2022

Scary stories you won't believe until they happen to you!

For halloween this year, we wanted to share some scary scenarios along with security recommendations to help avoid them. All the names, companies and characters are made up, but the events and experiences are based on things which could happen, or have happened in the real world. 1. Horrors of the logging library Mary the sysadmin looks over at her monitoring system, noticing an increase in requests with special characters. She recognizes the strings as log4shell vulnerability exploit attempts. Months earlier, when the vulnerability first appeared, she concluded they were safe, since the vulnerability was in a Java library. She was wrong. One machine goes offline, then another. She tries to look online for scanners, but it’s already too late. Slowly, one by one, the attackers succeed, they are remotely executing code and bringing down her entire datacenter.

October 27, 2022